
Joey Bada$$ Appointed 2024 Fall Artist-In-Residence At NYU Clive Davis.

The Clive Davis Institute is happy to announce that Brooklyn native, Joey Bada$$, will join CDI this Fall as an Artist-in-Residence. He’ll be attending for an assortment of talks and workshops, as well as informal discussions. These events will be open to current CDI students and alumni.

Topics of discussion will range from mental health and wellness, highlighting Joey’s role as the founder of ImpactMENtorship, to arts and activism, to his work in film and TV, and his career as a recording artist and global performer. All presentations will include special guests.

Full schedule of events to be announced.


In addition to his creative endeavors, Joey has always had a deep commitment to service, social impact, and community building–from a free holiday party for his neighborhood YMCA to Hurricane Maria relief. Joey also uses his words to motivate others, as evidenced by his lectures at Harvard and NYU, expanding people’s imaginations about the mind and intention of a young rap artist. Each of these steps has led him organically to the founding of ImpactMENtorship.

IMPACT MENTORSHIP is a program founded by Joey Bada$$ – inspired by Unlock Her Potential – that provides free mentorship for men of color 18 years and older in the US (including Puerto Rico). According to the Brookings Institute, “Black men have the highest unemployment rates of any race/gender group, and the lowest labor force participation and employment rates among men.” With men of color being under-resourced and thus underrepresented in leadership roles, only six black men CEOs lead companies on the 2023 Fortune 500 list. “We believe wholeheartedly that mentorship can help provide a path to professional and financial independence. In addition to career guidance, one of the most critical gifts the mentees receive is confidence.”

At 17 years old, Joey Bada$$ and his Pro Era crew took the rap world by storm with the release of his first mixtape, “1999,” which is now considered a classic. His two subsequent studio albums, “B4.DA.$$” and “All-Amerikkkan Badass,” helped elevate him to become one of the hottest names in music. His standout role in the hit TV show MR. ROBOT put his acting talents on display for the world for the first time and has led to multiple roles since. He recently starred in the 2021 Academy Award-winning Netflix short film TWO DISTANT STRANGERS, where he played protagonist Carter James. He also appears as Unique in the upcoming STARZ original series POWER BOOK III: RAISING KANAN.



