
Isaia Huron – ‘I’ll Finish The Lyrics Later’ EP + Video

Greenville, South Carolina artist Isaia Huron releases his new EP I’ll Finish The Lyrics Later via SLANG Music. The release includes his previously released singles “bell” and “CIRCLE,” both of which demonstrate Huron’s expansive composition skills and ability to distill the complexities of romantic relationships into tender, experimental R&B songs.



Speaking about how I’ll Finish The Lyrics Later was created, Isaia shares, “This collection of songs were never really supposed to come out. I originally created them in my father’s church, just putting them on SoundCloud without any real plans to share them further. But as people started to connect with the music, I thought, why not? This project is about embracing the unfinished and the evolving nature of creating music. ‘I’ll Finish the Lyrics Later’ captures the idea that sometimes, music is a journey in progress, and it’s okay to leave some things unfinished as you find your way through.”

I’ll Finish The Lyrics Later continues Isaia’s exploration of a theme that’s been consistent throughout his career to-date, reckoning with the idea of how one can know when a song is fully finished and what defines its quality. To Isaia, capturing of the recording process itself and the small imperfections that are part of that process is essential and embody the true representation of the experience behind crafting a project. He pushes back on the idea of highly manicured songs and that small perceived “flaws” —- like pausing a vocal take to chime in on a conversation in the studio or a song that stops abruptly — tarnish the music. This exploration is best heard in his song “DELIME” as he flows through different melodies and tempos.



Nonetheless, Isaia maintains a gentle prose to this project with songs that lull listeners to a peaceful state of true reflection. This idea is best exemplified on “bell,” where Huron wears his heart on his sleeve with a gentle love song. He places his cards on the table, listing all of the things he admittedly needs to work on for his relationship to truly flourish. Even as he picks up the tempo on songs like ”SMITHSON,” which look back on his romantic missteps, there is an air of self-forgiveness that surrounds the project, paired perfectly with the gentle plucking of his guitar.

Growing up in Greenville, SC, Isaia would spend every day in the church where his father served as a pastor and his mother was the head of their choir. Not only did this influence him sonically but it acted as a compass that he would come to rely on during his transformative journey into being an artist. Once the pandemic hit it left him no choice but to dive head first into his musical instincts, Isaia naturally fell into the currents of experimentation and creation that has since blossomed. Following his 2023 release LIBBIE 02, a reworking of his first EP Libbie from 2020, which saw him re-imagine his earlier work in an entirely new fashion with stripped-down beats and a real focus on lush, layered vocals.
