
Fat Joe Demands Healthcare Price Transparency In New PSA.

Fat Joe is advocating for healthcare price transparency with a powerful new public service announcement in collaboration with Power to the Patients.

In the PSA, the Bronx rapper calls on politicians nationwide to prioritize transparency in healthcare pricing, urging them to act on behalf of the American people.



“To every elected official and politician in America… the people stand united, desperate for you to listen,” Fat Joe states in the new video. “If you’re not advocating for prices and transparency in healthcare… you are compromising every single American across this country.”

“When we can’t see prices, hospitals, insurers, and their middlemen charge us whatever they want. Our very own healthcare system is robbing all of us,” he warned, calling for immediate change: “Prices now!”

Power to the Patients is a nonprofit founded in 2021 dedicated to creating a more affordable healthcare system via price transparency.
